Educational Interactive Game for Road Safety in cooperation with EKO and Cyprus Police.
The new initiative by EKO, jointly developed with Cyprus Police,interactively applies the road safety code in a virtual reality game calledRoad Challenges that was launched at the Road Safety Park in Nicosia on November 24, at 12pm, in the presence of Cyprus Police officials and massmedia representatives.
It is a game that can be played on tablets and mobile phones, and under theright conditions it could be applied at the Road Safety Park as aneducational tool on road behavior.
Road Challenges seeks to make the younger generation conscious of the needto drive safely on the roads of Cyprus. The target group is eight to17-year-olds and the aim is to teach them how to use the roads safely and responsibly through modern means.
The game, which can be played by youngsters and others, offers anopportunity to develop and/or improve knowledge of the Highway Code, in aninteractive environment, where the player must abide by specific instructions of the Highway Code and to take into account all factors thatcan affect his/her actions – whether a driver, passenger, pedestrian,cyclist or motorbike rider.
There will be many Road Challenges winners every month. Depending on thepoints collected by players EKO will award them with prizes like VirtualReality head sets, bicycles, tablets and a lot more.
When presenting the virtual reality Road Challenges game, EKO Cyprus CEOGeorge Gregoras said EKO believes that when you can learn from the game andhaving fun creates a road safety conscience then the desired outcome ofconscientious drivers is achieved. It is our duty, he added, to create asafe road environment in Cyprus.
And, undoubtedly, the cooperation of the Cyprus Police is crucial whenundertaking such a challenge.